A Mother's Heart (Mother's Lament): Bill wrote this song about both his birthmother and his adopted mother to honor both of their gifts to him.


A Morning's Journey: Written while Bill was thinking about journeys he's taken through the years.


Song for my Ancestors: This song honors Bill's heritage. He is an adoptee whose birth mother was Scandinavian and he is still searching for his Native American birth father, Joseph L. Allison.


Spirit of a Child: A song that reminds Bill of playing in the forests where he grew up in Northern Illinois.


2 Raccoons in Love: This melody brings to mind two raccoons, cartoon or otherwise, dancing in a forest.


Beginnings: This music was originally improvised as background music for an Anishinaabe elder's spoken word CD.


Children of the Soil: With William Buchholtz, Omar al-Musfi, Kinan Abou-afach and Mark Cleveland. Bill was asked to participate in Yo Yo Ma's Silk Road Project: Crossroads Exchanges to play with other musicians from a variety of cultures. He played with two wonderful musicians from Syria.


Bill is regularly invited to be a featured performer at events honoring visiting dignitaries and world figures. He most recently played for Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu, world renonwned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall and at multiple events hosted Chicago's Mayor Richard M. Daley.

Prior to focusing on Native American flute compositions, Bill played in a number of other musical genres, including rock, blues and jazz. He has played or recorded piano, electric piano and organ Native American flute and Theramin with artists as diverse as acoustic guitarist phenomenon Jim Green ("The Wandering Endorphin"), jazz bassist Steve Hashimoto and rock virtuosos Mr. Blotto.

Playing from Spirit
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